Recent Posts in Sport Injuries

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Tuesday 12th September 2017
By Tommy


A question that we get as Physio's all the time, when can I play again?

We alway encourge a graded return to sport and there are multiple factors that can influence our decision to give you the green light to play however following a lower limb injury whether it be the ankle, hip or knee, here are four tests that we

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Category: Sport Injuries
Sunday 10th September 2017
By Tommy

Here are 10 things not to do for lower limb and tendon pain.

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Category: Sport Injuries
Friday 1st September 2017
By Tommy

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Category: Sport Injuries
Wednesday 23rd August 2017
By Tommy


Ankle Rehabilitation - Restoring range and strength

Our ankle moves in many different ways which is why we can walk and run on uneven and slanted surfaces. It is a mobile adaptor that has the ability to respond and stabilise to whatever surface is under our foot.


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Category: Sport Injuries
Tuesday 15th August 2017
By Tommy

Ankle rehabilitation - Advanced proprioception

Once you have mastered balancing on one foot you can take it to the next level by attempting to balance on the ball of your foot using the same variations. Eyes closed, ball tosses, uneven surface.

Push up onto your toes

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Category: Sport Injuries
Saturday 12th August 2017
By Tommy

Proprioception and Early ankle rehabilitation

A rolled ankle is one of the most common injuries physiotherapists tend to treat. Although it may not seem like a big deal as the pain subsides not participating in an appropriate rehab program can lead to discomfort and reduced performance

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Category: Sport Injuries
Thursday 20th July 2017
By Tommy


Three more great plyometric exercises to enhance your lower limb power and sporting performance. Make sure you have a solid strength base, warm up porperly to prevent injury and start on a lower step or box.


Box Jump

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Category: Sport Injuries
Friday 2nd June 2017
By Tommy



Plyometrics or "plyos", are exercises in which muscles exert maximum force in short intervals of time, with the goal of increasing power.

Plyometric exercises are a great way to improve your athletic performance. They will help

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Category: Sport Injuries
Sunday 21st May 2017
By Tommy

Having quick feet and good agility can make you a better athlete. A great tool you can use to increase your foot speed is the agility ladder. Take a look at Matt's facebook video for a few great exercises to improve your agility.


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Category: Sport Injuries
Sunday 7th May 2017
By Tommy


Walking and Running Mechanics

Do you experience pain in your feet, ankles, knees, hips, or low back while walking or running?

This can be a result of altered biomechanics such as excessive collapsing of the arch of the foot, cross line walking or running, contralateral pelvic drop or inward

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Category: Sport Injuries